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muški rodgramatika

(nach der gleichnamigen Landschaft im O des Golfs von Triest)geolog. Erscheinung, bei der durch Lösungverwitterung (Korrosion) in Kalk- und Gipsgestein bes. Oberflächenformen (sog. Karren, Dolinen, Poljen, Uvalas) bzw. unterird. Höhlen entstehen.

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srpski · francuski



ETYM Old Fren. hoe, French houe; of German origin, cf. Old High Germ. houwa, howa, German haue, from Old High Germ. houwan to hew. Related to Hew to cut.
(Homonym: ho).
A tool with a flat blade attached at right angles to a long handle.



Rough limestone country with underground drainage
limestone region with underground streams, potholes, etc.
Landscape characterized by remarkable surface and underground forms, created as a result of the action of water on permeable lime
stone. The feature takes its name from the Karst region on the Adriatic coast in Slovenia and Croatia, but the name is applied to landscapes throughout the world, the most dramatic of which is found near the city of Guilin in the Guangxi province of China.
Limestone is soluble in the weak acid of rainwater. Erosion takes place most swiftly along cracks and joints in the limestone and these open up into gullies called grikes. The rounded blocks left upstanding between them are called clints.
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pridev, medicina
muški rod, sport
imenica, geografija
muški rod, mehanika