Jungfrau prevod sa nemačkog na engleski online

Jungfrau | nemačko - engleski rečnik


ženski rodgramatika

1. Frau vor der Defloration durch den ersten Geschlechtsverkehr.
2. Sternbild am N-Himmel.
3. 4 158 m hoher Gipfel der Berner Alpen; in 3 454 m Höhe J.joch mit hochalpiner Forschungsstation, durch die J.bahn (elektr. Zahnradbahn) erreichbar.

Juffer · Jungfer · Virgo · (Person) ohne sexuelle Erfahrung
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1. An unmarried woman; a girl or woman who has not experienced sexual intercourse; a virgin; a maid.
2. A female servant.
3. A former Scottish beheading device resembling the guillotine

maid · maiden over



ETYM Latin Vestalis (sc. virgo): cf. French vestale. Related to Vestal.
A chaste woman.
Having taken vows of chastity.



ETYM Latin virgo, -inis: cf. Old Fren. virgine, virgene, virge, vierge, French vierge.
A person who has never had sex.

Virgin · Virgo · Virgo the Virgin
Jungfrau | nemačko - engleski rečnik


muški rodlično ime

Jeanne d'Arc.

Juffer · Jungfer · Virgo · (Person) ohne sexuelle Erfahrung
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Jeanne d'Arc

ženski rodlično ime

Saint circa 1412-1431 the Maid of Orleans French national heroine

Joan of Arc

ženski rodlično ime

St, (French Jeanne d’Arc) (1412-1431) French military leader. In 1429 she persuaded the future Charles VII that she had a divine mission to expel the occupying English from N France (see Hundred Years' War) and secure his coronation. She raised the siege of Orléans, defeated the English at Patay, north of Orléans, and Charles was crowned in Reims. However, she failed to take Paris and was captured in May 1430 by the Burgundians, who sold her to the English, and she was executed.
Joan was born at Domrémy in Lorraine, daughter of a prosperous farmer. She sought out Charles VII, then dauphin, at Chinon, NW France, and assembled a large army. After her success in relieving Orléans, she became known as the Maid of Orléans. She was captured when helping to raise the siege of Compičgne, and imprisoned for four months by the English. Found guilty of witchcraft and heresy by a tribunal of French ecclesiastics who supported the English, she was burned to death at the stake in Rouen 30 May 1431. In 1920 she was canonized.
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Jungfrau | nemačko - engleski rečnik


ženski rodastrologija

Virgo, Sternbild des Tierkreises, Hauptstern Spika (a Virginis).

Juffer · Jungfer · Virgo · (Person) ohne sexuelle Erfahrung
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1. A large zodiacal constellation on the equator; between Leo and Libra.
2. The sixth sign of the zodiac; the sun is in this sign from August 23 to September 22; Also called: Virgo the Virgin.
Zodiacal constellation, the second largest in the sk
y. It is represented as a maiden holding an ear of wheat. The Sun passes through Virgo from late Sept to the end of Oct. Virgo's brightest star is the first-magnitude Spica. Virgo contains the nearest large cluster of galaxies to us, 50 million light-years away, consisting of about 3,000 galaxies centered on the giant elliptical galaxy M87. Also in Virgo is the nearest quasar, 3C 273, an estimated 3 billion light-years distant. In astrology, the dates for Virgo are between about 23 Aug and 22 Sept (see precession). + prikaži više

Virgin · Virgo · Virgo the Virgin

Reč dana 20.09.2024.

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