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ETYM Corrupted by influence of vintner, vintry, from Old Eng. vindage, vendage, for vendange, Old Fren. vendenge, French vendange, from Latin vindemia; vinum wine, grapes + demere to take off; de + emere, originally, to take. Related to Wine, Redeem, Vindemial.
1. A season's yield of wine from a vineyard.
2. The oldness of wines; SYN. time of origin.
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time of origin



ETYM French, from Latin volumen a roll of writing, a book, volume, from volvere, volutum, to roll. Related to Voluble.
In geometry, the space occupied by a three-dimensional solid object. A prism (such as a cube) or a cylinder has a volume equal to the area of the base mu
ltiplied by the height. For a pyramid or cone, the volume is equal to one-third of the area of the base multiplied by the perpendicular height. The volume of a sphere is equal to 4/3 x pr3, where r is the radius. Volumes of irregular solids may be calculated by the technique of integration.
1. A publication that is one of a set of several similar publications.
2. A relative amount.
3. The amount of 3-dimensional space occupied by an object.
4. The magnitude of sound (usually in a specified direction); SYN. loudness, intensity.
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book · bulk · intensity · loudness · mass

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