Hubble prevod sa nemačkog na engleski online

Hubble | nemačko - engleski rečnik


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Edwin Powell , Marshfield 20.11.1889, +San Marino 28.9.1953, amerikan. Astronom. H. erforschte außergalakt. Systeme und entwickelte Methoden der Entfernungsmessung von Sternsystemen. 1929 entdeckte er den Zusammenhang der Rotverschiebung von Spektrallinien mit Entfernung und Fluchtgeschwindigkeit extragalakt. Objekte (H.-Effekt).


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(1889-1953) US astronomer who discovered the existence of other galaxies outside our own, and classified them according to their shape. His theory that the universe is expanding is now generally accepted.
Hubble was born in Marshfield, Missouri, and studied at Chicago and in the UK at Ox
ford. He briefly practiced law before returning to Chicago to join Yerkes Observatory 1914. From 1919 he worked at Mount Wilson, near Pasadena, California.
His data on the speed at which galaxies were receding (based on their red shifts) were used to determine the portion of the universe that we can ever come to know, the radius of which is called the Hubble radius. Beyond this limit, any matter will be traveling at the speed of light, so communication with it will never be possible. The ratio of the velocity of galactic recession to distance has been named the Hubble constant.
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