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Nach innen aber hielt Honecker eisern am repressiven SED-System fest, baute des Spitzelapparat der Stasi immer weiter aus, beharrte auf dem Schießbefehl an der innerdeutschen Grenze und lehnte die Reformpolitik des sowjetischen Parteichefs Gorbatschow nach 1985 ab. Damit führte er die DDR in die Isolierung. Da er den Eisernen Vorhang nicht um den gesamten Staat verlängern konnte, flohen die Menschen 1989 in Massen in einstige 'Bruderländer', v.a. Ungarn, die sich nun öffneten. Honecker sah sich im Herbst 1989 beim 40. Jahrestag der Staatsgründung Massenprotesten und erneuten Mahnungen Gorbatschows gegenüber. Am 18.10. trat er auf Druck der Parteiführung von allen Ämtern zurück und wurde am 3.12. aus der SED ausgeschlossen. Im Zuge der Wiedervereinigung mußte er nun mit einer Anklage wegen Anstiftung zum Mord rechnen und setzte sich nach Moskau ab, wo er in die chilenische Botschaft floh. 1991 kehrte er nach Deutschland zurück, das 1992 gegen ihn eröffnete Verfahren aber mußte wegen seines schlecht

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(1912-1994) German communist politician, in power in East Germany 1973–89, elected chair of the council of state (head of state) 1976. He governed in an outwardly austere and efficient manner and, while favoring East–West détente, was a loyal ally of the USSR. In Oct 1989, following a wave of prodemocracy demonstrations, he was replaced as leader of the Socialist Unity Party (SED) and head of state by Egon Krenz, and in Dec expelled from the Communist Party.
Honecker, the son of a miner, joined the
German Communist Party 1929 and was imprisoned for antifascist activity 1935–45. He was elected to the East German parliament (Volkskammer) 1949 and became a member of the SED Politburo during the 1950s. A security specialist, during the 1960s he served as a secretary of the National Defense Council before being appointed first secretary of the SED 1971. After Walter Ulbricht's death 1973, Honecker became leader of East Germany.
In Oct 1989, following large-scale civil disturbances, Honecker was replaced by his protégé Egon Krenz. He was placed under house arrest Feb 1990 and charged with high treason, misuse of office, and corruption. In March 1991 he was transferred from a Soviet military hospital to Moscow, but the German government demanded his return to face manslaughter charges in connection with the killing of those illegally crossing the Berlin Wall 1961–89. He returned to Germany July 1992, but the courts ruled that he was too ill to stand trial and he was allowed to go into exile in Chile 1993.
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