Hill prevod sa nemačkog na engleski online

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Sir Archibald Vivian, 1886, 1977, brit. Physiologe; erforschte energet. Vorgänge bei der Muskelkontraktion; Nobelpreis für Medizin (zus. mit O. Meyerhof) 1922.


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(1886-1977) English physiologist who studied muscle action and especially the amount of heat produced during muscle activity. For this work he shared the 1922 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine.
Hill was born in Bristol and educated at Cambridge. He was professor at Manchester 1920–23 and at
the Royal Society 1923–51. He also served as scientific adviser to India 1943–44 and was a member of the War Cabinet Scientific Advisory Committee during World War II.
To record minute heat changes, Hill modified delicate thermocouples, and discovered by 1913 that contracting muscle fibers produce heat in two phases. Heat is first produced quickly as the muscle contracts. Then, after the initial contraction, further heat is evolved more slowly but often in greater amounts. Hill also showed that molecular oxygen is consumed after the work of the muscles is over but not during muscular contraction.
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