Helm prevod sa nemačkog na engleski online

Helm | nemačko - engleski rečnik


muški rodgramatika

Kopfschutz u. militär. Kopfbedeckung aus Leder oder Metall, heute auch aus Kunststoff. Die ersten H. finden sich bei den Sumerern im 3. Jt. v. Chr.

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srpski · francuski



ETYM Old Fren. helmet, a dim of helme, French heaume.
1. A protective head covering made of hard material to resist blows.
2. Armor that protects the
Protective utilitarian head covering, often with a strap that goes under the chin. It is worn for activities where the head might be damaged, such as building work, horse riding, motorcycling, or by military personnel as protection against low impacts. The design of the helmet is adapted for the specific activity.
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Reč dana 19.09.2024.

imenica, medicina
muški rod, muzika
ženski rod, gramatika
ženski rod, telekomunikacije