Helligkeit prevod sa nemačkog na engleski online

Helligkeit | nemačko - engleski rečnik


ženski rod

astronom. Größe der Strahlung von Himmelskörpern, angegeben in Größenklassen von 1 bis 6. Man unterscheidet zw. scheinbarer H., nach der von der Erde aus beobachteten Strahlung, und absoluter H., der Strahlungsleistung bei einer angenommenen einheitl. Entfernung von 10 Parsec.

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ETYM AS. beorhines. Related to Bright.
The perceived quality of radiance or luminosity of a visible object. Brightness is literally in the eye (and mind) of the beholder; a candle in the night appears brighter than the same candle unde
r incandescent lights. Although its subjective value cannot be measured with physical instruments, brightness can be measured as luminance (radiant energy). The brightness component of a color is different from its color (the hue) and from the intensity of its color (the saturation). See also color model, HSB.
1. Intelligence as manifested in being quick and witty; SYN. cleverness, smartness.
2. The location of a visual perception along the black-to-white continuum.
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brightness level · cleverness · light · luminance · luminosity · luminousness · smartness + prikaži više

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