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Hals | nemačko - engleski rečnik


muški rodgramatikaanatomija

Cervix, Verbindungsglied zw. Kopf u. Rumpf. Das Knochengerüst des H. bildet bei den Wirbeltieren die H.wirbelsäule, die bei fast allen Säugetieren (z.B. beim Menschen, auch bei Giraffe u. Maus) aus 7 Halswirbeln besteht. Die ersten beiden Wirbel (Atlas u. Wender) dienen der Beweglichkeit des Kopfes u. sind dazu bes. geformt.
Teil des Körpers zw. Kopf und Rumpf. Der H. ermöglicht die Kopfbewegungen; er besteht aus sieben H.wirbeln, einem H.gelenk (die oberen beiden H.wirbel; Nackengelenk) und der H.muskulatur.

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Pertaining to the neck or cervix.



ETYM Old Eng. necke, as. hnecca; akin to Dutch nek the nape of the neck, German nacken, Old High Germ. nacch, hnacch, Icel. hnakki, Swed. nacke, Dan. nakke.
1. The part of an organism that connects the head to th
e rest of the body; SYN. cervix.
Structure between the head and the trunk in animals. In the back of the neck are the upper seven vertebrae, and there are many powerful muscles that support and move the head. In front, the neck region contains the pharynx and trachea, and behind these the esophagus. The large arteries (carotid, temporal, maxillary) and veins (jugular) that supply the brain and head are also located in the neck.
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ETYM Old Eng. throte, as. throte, throtu; akin to Old High Germ. drozza, German drossel; cf. OFries. and Dutch stort. Related to Throttle.
Something resembling a throat in shape or functionr.
The passage to the stomach and lungs; in the fro
nt part of the neck below the chin and above the collarbone; SYN. pharynx.
In human anatomy, the passage that leads from the back of the nose and mouth to the trachea and esophagus. It includes the pharynx and the larynx, the latter being at the top of the trachea. The word “throat” is also used to mean the front part of the neck, both in humans and other vertebrates; for example, in describing the plumage of birds. In engineering, it is any narrowing entry, such as the throat of a carburetor.
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Hals | nemačko - engleski rečnik


muški rodlično ime

Frans, niederl. Maler, Antwerpen (?) zw. 1581 und 1585, +Haarlem (begraben) 1.9.1666, Hauptmeister der Haarlemer Malerschule und einer der größten Porträtisten der Weltkunst. Schüler des K. van Mander, entnahm seine Stoffe ausschließlich der bürgerlichen Wirklichkeit seiner Zeit (Genrebilder, Bildnisse, Schützenstücke) und befreite die niederl. Malerei dadurch vom Romanismus; Mitbegründer einer von Italien ganz unabhängigen, nationalholländ. Kunst. Seine Malweise machte eine Entwicklung durch von sorgfältiger Zeichnung und schwerer Farbe zu immer flotterem Strich, helleren und leichten Farben und schließlich zu einem grauen Gesamtton der Gemälde ohne Lokalfarben, worin sich der Einfluß Rembrandts bemerkbar macht. Der Vortrag wird immer breiter und skizzenhafter, schließlich mit höchster Sicherheit der Mensch in der Bewegung des Augenblicks erfaßt; mit Recht konnte der Impressionismus einen Vorläufer in ihm sehen. Hauptwerke: Gruppenbildnisse und Schützenstücke im Haarlemer

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Genick · Nacken · Schlafittchen · Kamm · Schopfbraten · Schweinenacken + prikaži više
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muški rodlično ime

(c. 1581-1666) Flemish-born painter of lively portraits. His work includes the Laughing Cavalier 1624 (Wallace Collection, London), and large groups of military companies, governors of charities, and others (many examples in the Frans Hals Museum, Haarlem, the Netherlands). In the 1620s he experimented with genre scenes.
He settled in Haarlem, where his brother Dirck was born, being trained in the studio of the painter and biographer of art, Karel van Mander, and became, next
to Rembrandt, the greatest of the Dutch portrait painters, developing a broad and fluent method of painting, disciplined by great economy of color, with which he inimitably rendered liveliness of expression, as in his Laughing Cavalier. His work comprises the group portraiture of the Military Guilds, composed with remarkable skill to provide variety of interest while paying equal attention to each person represented; individual commissioned portraits; and the studies of Bohemian types which appealed to him (La Bohémienne—Louvre, Hille Bobbe—Berlin). Late works in which he was most penetrating and nearest to Rembrandt were the groups of 1664 depicting the regents, male and female, of the Old Peoples’ Almshouse. He and his wife in old age were inmates of the almshouse which is now the Frans Hals Museum. It contains his great groups and is mainly a memorial
to him, though including other works by Haarlem artists. His seven sons were all minor painters.
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