Gibbs prevod sa nemačkog na engleski online

Gibbs | nemačko - engleski rečnik


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James, engl. Baumeister, Aberdeen 23.12.1682, +London 5.8.1754, Hauptvertreter des engl. Klassizismus, Nachfolger von Wren; zw. 1704 und 1709 Schüler Fontanas in Rom. Seit 1709 wieder in England, baute viele Kirchen, ffentliche Gebäude, Schlösser; auch Grabmäler. G. stand in gewissem Gegensatz zum Palladianismus; der ital. Manierismus und das Vorbild Wrens prägten seine Entwürfe. Hatte großen Einfluß, zumal durch sein 'Book of Architecture' (1728). Seine Hauptbauten: die Kirchen in London St. Mary-le-Strand (1714/1717), St. Martin's in the Fields (1721/1726). In Oxford: Radcliffe-Bibliothek (1737/1739), eine Rotunde von monumentaler Wirkung.

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(1839-1903) US theoretical physicist and chemist who developed a mathematical approach to thermodynamics and established vector methods in physics. He devised the phase rule and formulated the Gibbs adsorption isotherm.
Gibbs showed how many thermodynamic laws could be interpreted in terms of the results of the movements of enormous numbers of bodies such as molecules. His ensemble method equated the behavior of a large number of systems at once to that of a single system over a period of time.
In 1863 he gained the first engineering docto
rate awarded in the US.
Gibbs was born in New Haven, Connecticut, and studied at Yale and 1866–69 in Europe. From 1871 he was professor of mathematical physics at Yale.
The phase rule, published 1876–78, may be stated as:
f = n + 2— r
where f is the number of degrees of freedom, n the number of chemical components, and r the number of phases—solid, liquid or gas; degrees of freedom are quantities such as temperature and pressure that may be altered without changing the number of phases. He also described his concept of free energy, which can be used as a measure of the feasibility of a given chemical reaction. It is defined in terms of the enthalpy, or heat content, and entropy, a measure of the disorder of a chemical system. From this Gibbs developed the notion of chemical potential, which is a measure of how the free energy of a particular phase depends on changes in composition.
The Gibbs adsorption isotherm showed that changes in the concentration of a component of a solution in contact with a surface occur if there is an alteration in the surface tension.
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