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(lat. Claudius Galenus)Pergamon 129 (?), +Rom 199 (?), röm. Arzt griech. Herkunft. G. ist neben Hippokrates einer der bedeutendsten antiken Mediziner, er war Leibarzt des röm. Kaisers Mark Aurel. G. schuf ein umfassendes medizin. System, indem er die Erkenntnisse der Hippokratiker und der alexandrin. Ärzte zusammenfaßte. Neben seinen medizin. Schriften, die zur Grundlage für die Ausbildung der Ärzte bis in die Neuzeit wurden, verfaßte G. auch mathemat. und philosoph. Werke.

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(c. 130-c. 200) Greek physician and anatomist whose ideas dominated Western medicine for almost 1,500 years. Central to his thinking were the theories of humors and the threefold circulation of the blood. He remained the highest medical authority until Andreas Vesalius and William Harvey exposed the fundamental errors of his system.
Galen postulated a circulation system in which the liver produced the natural spirit, the heart the vital spirit, and the brain the animal spirit. He also wrote about philosophy and believed that Nature expressed a divine purpose, a belief that became increasingly popular with the rise
of Christianity (Galen himself was not a Christian). This helped to account for the enormous influence of his ideas.
Galen was born in Pergamum in Asia Minor and studied medicine there and at Smyrna (now Izmir), Corinth in Greece, and Alexandria in Egypt, after which he returned home to become chief physician to the gladiators at Pergamum. In 161 he went to Rome, where he became a society physician and attended the Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius Antoninus. Although Galen made relatively few discoveries and relied heavily on the teachings of Hippocrates, he wrote a large number of books, more than 100 of which are known.
The dissection of human beings was then regarded as taboo and Galen made inferences about human anatomy from his many dissections animals. His detailed descriptions of bones and muscles, many of which he was the first to identify, are particularly good; he also noted that many muscles are arranged in antagonistic pairs. In addition he performed several vivisection experiments; for example, to show that urine passes from the kidneys down the ureters to the bladder. More important, he demonstrated that arteries carry blood, not air, thus disproving Erasistratus' view, which had been taught for some 500 years.
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Christoph Bernhard Graf von, 1606, 1678, Fürstbischof von Münster seit 1650; genannt »Kanonenbernd«; regierte absolutist. u. hielt ein stehendes Heer, mit dem er 1661 das Selbständigkeitsstreben der Stadt Münster unterdrückte; förderte Klerikerbildung u. Schulwesen.

Galen | nemačko - engleski rečnik


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Clemens August Graf von, 1878, 1946, Bischof von Münster; Gegner des Nationalsozialismus (bes. Kampf gegen Euthanasie); 1946 Kardinal.

Gälen | nemačko - engleski rečnik



Die Gälisch sprechenden Kelten Irlands, Schottlands u. der Insel Man.

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Reč dana 21.09.2024.

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