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ženski rodgramatika

Federnder Verschlussteil beim Armschmuck. Zusammengesetzt aus zwei Blechteilen, Steg mit Wanze und Sicherungsachter. In der Regel unterscheidet man zwischen Feder mit einfacher oder doppelter Führung.
1. In der Holzverarbeitung eine Holzleiste an einem Brett, die in eine passende Rille eines anderen Brettes (Nut) eingef
ügt wird, um einen dichten Abschluß zu erreichen.
2. In der Technik ein elast. Metallteil, das sich unter Krafteinwirkung verformt und nach Beendigung der Krafteinwirkung wieder seine ursprüngl. Form annimmt. F. dienen der Aufnahme von Stoßbelastungen (Fahrzeug-F.) oder der mechan. Energiespeicherung (Uhr-F.).
3. Nur bei Vögeln vorkommende Körperbedeckung aus meist farbigen Hornzellen; die F. besteht aus einem stabilen Schaft (Kiel) und davon abgehenden 'Härchen' (Fahne). Man unterscheidet Daunen-F. zum Wärmeschutz, Kontur-F. zum Nässeschutz, Schwung-F. zur Fortbewegung und bei manchen Arten Schmuck-F. (z.B. des Hochzeitskleids).

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ETYM Old Eng. fether, as. fether.
1. The light horny waterproof structure forming the external covering of birds; SYN. plume, plumage.
2. Turning an oar parallel to the water between pulls; SYN. feathering.r /> Rigid outgrowth of the outer layer of the skin of birds, made of the protein keratin. Feathers provide insulation and facilitate flight. There are several types, including long quill feathers on the wings and tail, fluffy down feathers for retaining body heat, and contour feathers covering the body. The coloring of feathers is often important in camouflage or in courtship and other displays. Feathers are replaced at least once a year. + prikaži više



1. A writing implement with a point from which ink flows.
2. An enclosure for confining livestock.
3. Female swan.
See light pen, stylus.
Hand-held implement for writing. Pens have existed since ancient Egyptian times. Quill pens were developed by the Romans, and the technology remained unchanged until the 18th-century development of the steel nib. The fountain pen, which ensured a steady supply of ink, was invented in the 1880s. Today the dominant types of pen are the ballpoint, which became widespread in the 1940s and 1950s, and the felt-tip pen, dating from the 1960s.
The earliest form of pen, the brush pen, was made simply be chewing the end of a reed (Jucus maritimus). The Egyptians used it to write on papyrus from about 3000 BC. It was replaced some 2000 years later by the Greeks with the reed pen, made by cutting the end of the reed at an angle and making a slit oppo
site the cut. This proved to be niblike and more suitable for writing the newly developed Greek alphabet.
The reed pen survived until papyrus was replaced by animal skins, vellum and parchment, as a writing surface. The smoother surface of skin allowed finer, smaller writing and the quill pen, derived from the flight feathers of geese or other large birds, emerged in late Roman times (4th century AD) for this purpose. Though awkward to use and in need of frequent attention it survived well into the 18th century, when a number of people seem independently to have invented the metal nib.
At first handmade metal pens were expensive items. But with mechanisation, by the mid-19th century factories began to produce metal nibs by the millions. There still remained the need for a portable writing instrument, and in the 19th century a race began to develop a pen that would write on demand without leaking. The problem of the controlled leak of ink proved difficult and it was not until the 1880s that such manufacturers as Lewis E Waterman and George Parker were able to offer a reliable if expensive fountain pen.
Although they soon became cheaper and plentiful, fountain pens dominated the market only until the 1950s. For in 1945 a Chicago industrialist, Middleton Reynolds, began to market the ball-point pen. At the same time a Hungarian refugee in Argentina, Laszlo Biró, produced a similar design. The ball-point pen operates by capillary action, using a ball around 1 mm/0.04 in diameter,and very thick ink. In one form or another their invention dominated the world market until the arrival of the felt-tip pen in the 1960s from Japan.
Abbreviation for Poets, Playwrights, Editors, Essayists, Novelists, a literary association established 1921 by C A (“Sappho”) Dawson Scott, to promote international understanding among writers.
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ETYM Perhaps from French quille ninepin (see Kayless); but cf. also German kiel a quill. Mid. High Germ. kil, and Irish cuille a quill.
1. A bird's feather made into a pen for writing; SYN. quill pen.
2. A stiff hollow protective spine on a porcupine or hedgehog.
3. The hollow shaft of a feather; SYN. calamus, shaft.

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ETYM as. spring a fountain, a leap. Related to Spring.
1. In geology, a natural flow of water from the ground, formed at the point of intersection of the water table and the ground's surface. The source of water is rain that has percolated t
hrough the overlying rocks. During its underground passage, the water may have dissolved mineral substances that may then be precipitated at the spring (hence, a mineral spring). A spring may be continuous or intermittent, and depends on the position of the water table and the topography (surface features).
2. A natural flow of ground water; SYN. fountain, outflow, outpouring, natural spring.
3. A point at which water issues forth.
4. The season of growth; SYN. springtime.
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Feder | nemačko - engleski rečnik


ženski rodmehanika

(Technik) Spiraliges, schraubenförmiges oder gerades Metallglied zw. gegeneinander bewegl. Maschinenteilen, das sich bei Belastung verbiegt u. bei Entlastung in seine Ausgangslage zurückkehrt (z.B. zum Dämpfen von Stößen in Fahrzeugen).

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1. A metal device that returns to its shape or position when pushed or pulled or pressed.
2. Device, usually a metal coil, that returns to its original shape after being stretched or compressed. Springs
are used in some machines (such as clocks) to store energy, which can be released at a controlled rate. In other machines (such as engines) they are used to close valves.
3. In vehicle-suspension systems, springs are used to cushion passengers from road shocks. These springs are used in conjunction with shock absorbers to limit their amount of travel. In bedding and upholstered furniture springs add comfort.
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ženski rodptica

(Zoologie) Vogelfeder, Horngebilde von kompliziertem Bau in der Haut der Vögel; Hauptarten: Kontur-F., Flaum-F., Faden-F. Die Kontur-F. (Deck-F., Schwung-F. u. Steuer-F.); bestehend aus dem F.kiel, der mit der hohlen Spule in die Haut eingesenkt ist, u. dem Schaft (mit Mark gefüllt), der die F.fahne trägt. Das Gefieder dient der Wärmedämmung u. Steuerung des Fluges.

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Federkiel · Schreibfeder · Tuschfeder · Zeichenfeder · Ziehfeder · (Vogel-) Feder + prikaži više
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muški rodlično ime

Würzburg 27.1.1883, +Murnau 24.9.1941, dt. Politiker; 'alter Kämpfer' der NSDAP und mit seiner Parole von der 'Brechung der Zinsknechtschaft' Exponent ihres linken Flügels; 1934/1935 Reichskommissar für das Siedlungswesen.

Federkiel · Schreibfeder · Tuschfeder · Zeichenfeder · Ziehfeder · (Vogel-) Feder + prikaži više
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