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Eberesche | nemačko - engleski rečnik


ženski rodbotanika

Sorbus, Gatt. der Rosengewächse in der nördl. gemäßigten Zone; hierzu die Gewöhnl. E., Vogelbeere oder -kirsche mit scharlachroten, zuweilen gelben Früchten (Drosselbeeren), u. die Haus-Vogelbeere oder Speierling.

Sorbus aucuparia · Vogelbeere
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srpski · francuski

mountain ash


1. Any of various trees of the genus Sorbus.
2. Low-growning ash of Texas; SYN. Fraxinus texensis.
3. Tree having wood similar to the alpine ash; tallest tree in Australia and ta
llest hardwood in the world; SYN. Eucalyptus regnans.
Or rowan; Flowering tree of the genus Sorbus, family Rosaceae. It has pinnate leaves and large clusters of whitish flowers, followed by scarlet berries. The American mountain ash S. americana grows to 30 ft/9 m and is native to NE US. The European mountain ash or rowan tree S. aucaparia is planted widely as an ornamental.
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Eucalyptus regnans · Fraxinus texensis



Eurasian tree with orange-red berrylike fruits; SYN. rowan tree, European mountain ash, Sorbus aucuparia.
Another name for the European mountain ash tree.



ETYM Latin sorbus the tree, sorbum the fruit; cf. French sorbe. Related to Service tree.
Acid gritty-textured fruit; SYN. sorb apple.
Member of a western Slavonic people in Germany, numbering about 40,000–45,000. Th
ey live mainly in Saxony and have been in the region since the 6th century AD, though numbers have dwindled with assimilation. When East Germany was a separate state, the Sorb language had official status. There is a small separatist movement for an independent Sorb state of Lusatia. This was the name of Sorb-inhabited territory prior to 1835, when it was divided between Saxony and Prussia.
There are two distinct variants of the language, Upper Sorbian.
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Eberesche | nemačko - engleski rečnik



(Vogelbeere Sorbus), ein bis zu 8 m hoher Baum aus der Familie der Rosengewächse mit gefiederten Blättern und leuchtend roten Früchten (beliebte Vogelnahrung). Die E. ist besonders im Mittelgebirge und in den Alpen, bis zur Waldgrenze, verbreitet.

Sorbus aucuparia · Vogelbeere
Prevedi Eberesche na:

srpski · francuski

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