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muški rod

(pers. 'Bettler'), islam. Bettelmönch (in Indien Fakir, in Nordafrika Marabut). Seit dem 12. Jh. gibt es D.orden, die als Bruderschaften einen myst. und ekstat. Zugang zum Glauben suchen ('Tanzende D.').
Mitglied islam. Orden mit myst. Tendenz.

Anhänger des Sufismus · Mystiker · Sufi
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ETYM Per. derwęsch, from OPer. derew to beg, ask alms: cf. French derviche.
An ascetic Muslim monk; a member of an order noted for devotional exercises involving bodily movements.
In Iran and Turkey, a religious mendicant; throughout the rest of Islam a memb
er of an Islamic religious brotherhood, not necessarily mendicant in character. The Arabic equivalent is fakir. There are various orders of dervishes, each with its rule and special ritual. The “whirling dervishes” claim close communion with the deity through ecstatic dancing, reaching spiritual awareness with a trancelike state created by continual whirling. The spinning symbolizes the Earth’s orbit of the Sun. “Howling dervishes” gash themselves with knives to demonstrate the miraculous feats possible to those who trust in Allah. + prikaži više


Reč dana 20.09.2024.

pridev, medicina
muški rod, sport
imenica, geografija
muški rod, mehanika