Camus prevod sa nemačkog na engleski online

Camus | nemačko - engleski rečnik


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Albert , Mondovi 7.11.1913, +Villeblevin 4.1.1960, frz. Schriftsteller; moralphilosoph.-existentialist. Romane, Erzählungen und Essays, die immer wieder um die Absurditt des Daseins kreisen. C. schrieb auch Dramen und war als Journalist tätig; Nobelpreis 1957. Werke u.a. 'Hochzeit des Lichts' (Essays, 1928), 'Der Mythos von Sisiphos' (Essays, 1942), 'Der Fremde' (Roman, 1942), 'Die Pest' (Roman, 1947), 'Der Mensch in der Revolte' (Essays, 1951), 'Der Fall' (Roman, 1956), 'Die Besessenen' (Drama, 1959).

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(1913-1960) Algerian-born French writer. His works, such as the novels L’Etranger/The Outsider 1942 and La Peste/The Plague 1948, owe much to existentialism in their emphasis on the absurdity and arbitrariness of life. Nobel Prize for Literature 1957.
Other works include Le Mythe de Sisyphe/The Myth of Sisyphus 1943 and L’Homme révolté/The Rebel 1951. Camus’ criticism of communism in the latter book led to a protracted quarrel with the philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre.
Camus was born in Algeria, then a French colony. He went on to become a journalist in France, and was active in the Resistance during World War II.
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