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(nach dem als Linse verwendeten Beryll)Augengläser zur Verbesserung der Lichtbrechung des Auges oder/und zu seinem Schutz. Wohl schon in der Antike als Einglas (durchsichtiger Edelstein am Stiel) bekannt, wurde die Glas-B. in Europa seit dem 13. Jh. verwendet mit Sammellinsen für Weit- und mit Streulinsen für Kurzsichtige. Die Korrektur des Astigmatismus durch zylindr. Schliff gelang erst sehr viel später. Heute werden für die unterschiedl. Anforderungen im Nah- und Fernbereich Bifokal- oder Gleitsichtbrillen eingesetzt. Dem Schutz des Auges dient u.a. die Sonnen-B., deren Lichtdämpfung durch Tönung auch stufenlos je nach Helligkeit durch phototrope Gläser selbsttätig regelbar ist.

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Pair of lenses fitted in a frame and worn in front of the eyes to correct or assist defective vision. Common defects of the eye corrected by such lenses are nearsightedness (myopia), corrected by using concave (spherical) lenses, farsightedness (hypermetropia), corrected by using convex (spherical) lenses, and astigmatism, corrected by using cylindrical lenses. Spherical and cylindrical lenses may be combined in one lens. Bifocal glasses correct vision both at a distance and for reading by combining two lenses of different curvatures in one piece of glass. Today, lightweight plastic lenses are common instead of glass.
Eyeglasses are said to have been invented in the 13th century by a Florentine monk. Few people found the need for eyeglasses until printing was invented, when the demand for them increased rapidly. Using photosensitive glass, lenses can be produced that darken in glare and lighten in ordinary light conditions. See also contact lenses.
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Glasses are said to have been invented in the 13th century by a Florentine monk. Few people found the need for glasses until printing was invented, when the demand for them increased rapidly. Using photosensitive glass, lenses can be produced that darken in glare and return to normal in ordinary light conditions. Lightweight plastic lenses are also common. The alternative to glasses is contact lenses. + prikaži više

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