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André , Tinchebray (Orne) 19.2.1896, +Paris 28.9.1966, frz. Schriftsteller, begründete mit seinen beiden 'surrealist. Manifesten' (1924 und 1930) die gleichnamige Literaturrichtung und verfaßte psychoanlyt. und okkultist. geprägte Prosawerke und Gedichte.


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(1896-1966) French writer and poet. He was among the leaders of the Dada art movement and was also a founder of Surrealism, publishing Le Manifeste de surréalisme/Surrealist Manifesto 1924.
Les Champs magnétiques/Magnetic Fields 1921, w
ritten with fellow Dadaist Philippe Soupault, was an experiment in automatic writing. Breton soon turned to Surrealism. Influenced by communism and the theories of psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, he believed that on both a personal and a political level Surrealist techniques could shatter the inhibiting order and propriety of the conscious mind (bourgeois society) and release deep reserves of creative energy.
Other works include Najda 1928, the story of his love affair with a medium.
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