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Francis Herbert, 1846, 1924, engl. Philosoph; Hauptvertreter des sich auf Hegel beziehenden engl. Neuidealismus.


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(1846-1924) British philosopher who argued for absolute idealism—the theory, influenced by German philosopher G W F Hegel, that there is only one ultimately real thing, the Absolute, which is spiritual in nature. In ethics he attacked the utilitarianism of J S Mill.
Bradley’s works include Ethical Studies 1876, Principles of Logic 1883, Appearance and Reality 1893, and Truth and Reality 1914.
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Bradley | nemačko - engleski rečnik


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James, 1693, 1762, engl. Astronom; entdeckte 1728 die Aberration des Lichts der Fixsterne.


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(1693-1762) English astronomer who in 1728 discovered the aberration of starlight. From the amount of aberration in star positions, he was able to calculate the speed of light. In 1748, he announced the discovery of nutation (variation in the Earth's axial tilt).
Bradley was born in Sherborne, Dorset, and studied theology at Oxford. His keen interest in astronomy caused him to resign a clerical post 1721 to become professor of astronomy at Oxford.
As Astronomer Royal from 1742 he sought to modernize the observatory in Gree
nwich, and embarked on an extensive program of stellar observation.
The determination of stellar parallax was the goal of many astronomers of Bradley’s day because it would confirm Copernicus’ hypothesis that the Earth moved around the Sun. When Bradley did find a displacement, it was not only too large, but was in an unexpected direction. Eventually Bradley realized that the displacement was simply a consequence of observing a stationary object from a moving one, namely the Earth. Bradley called this effect the “aberration of light”.
This discovery allowed Bradley to produce more accurate tables of stellar positions, but he found that his observations on the distances of stars were still variable. He studied the distribution of these variations and deduced that they were caused by the oscillation of the Earth’s axis, which in turn was caused by the gravitational interaction between the Moon and the Earth’s equatorial bulge, so that the orbit of the Moon was sometimes above the ecliptic and sometimes below it. Bradley named this “nutation”.
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Bradley | nemačko - engleski rečnik


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Omar Nelson, Clark (Missouri) 12.2.1893, +New York 8.4.1981, amerikan. General; Ausbildung (u.a. zusammen mit Eisenhower und Marshall) in West Point, Abschluß 1915; im 1. Weltkrieg Wachdienst an der mexikan. Grenze; nach Kursen an der, der Generalstabs-Akademie und dem Army College stellv. Kommandant des Kadettenkorps und 1938/1940 Personalreferent im Heeresgen.stab. B. übernahm danach als Kommandeur die Fort Benning und war seit Febr. 1943 Korpskommandeur in NW-Afrika. Dort wurde er als Gen.leutnant Befehlshaber der II. AK, das am 10.7.1943 im Verband der 7. US-Armee an der Landung auf Sizilien ('Husky') teilnahm und wesentl. Anteil am Erfolg hatte. B., Spitzname: 'the Soldier's soldier', wurde anschließend nach London zur Vorbereitung des Unternehmens 'Overlord', der Landung der Angloamerikaner in der Normandie, versetzt. Bei dieser Invasion am 6.6.1944 führte er die 1. US-Armee und erzielte bei Saint Lô|am 26.7. den entscheidenden Durchbruch, der den Pz. der 3. US-Armee (Pat

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(1893-1981) US general in World War II. In 1943 he commanded the 2nd US Corps in their victories in Tunisia and Sicily, leading to the surrender of 250,000 Axis troops, and in 1944 led the US troops in the invasion of France. His command, as the 12th Army Group, grew to 1.3 million troops, the largest US force ever assembled.
Born in Clark, Missouri, Bradley graduated from West Point 1915 and served in World War I. After World War II, he headed the Veterans Administration 1945–47, was chief of staff of the US Army 1948–49, and was the first chairman of the joint chiefs of staff 1949–53. He was appointed general of the army 1950 and retired from the army 1953. He wrote his memoirs in A Soldier’s Story 1951.
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