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François, frz. Maler, Paris 29.9.1703, +ebd. 30.5.1770, Hauptmeister des frz. Rokoko; Schüler von Lemoine, bildete sich in Italien weiter unter dem Einfluß von Tiepolo, nach seiner Rückkehr von Madame de Pompadour gefördert, Inspektor der staatlichen Gobelinmanufaktur, 1765 Direktor der Akademie und 'peintre du Roi', schuf Gemälde mytholog. Inhalts - in Wahrheit galante Szenen, Schäferszenen mit Nymphen und Liebesgöttinnen - und Porträts. In seinem Stil von Watteau beeinflußt, an den er als Maler keineswegs heranreicht. Dafür aber hervorragender und vielseitiger Dekorateur. Modelle für Sèvres-Porzellane, Entwürfe für Gobelins, Theaterdekorationen usw. Er war ferner ein feiner Zeichner (auch Landschaften), Illustrator und Radierer. Reich vertreten im Louvre, wo sich seine Meisterwerke, wie 'Venus in der Schmiede Vulkans' (1732), 'Diana nach dem Bad' (1742), 'Raub der Europa', befinden. Dekorationen in Schloß Fontainebleau (Decke der Salle du Conseil) und Schloß Versailles (Chambre de la Reine). Ferne

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(1703-1770) French Rococo painter. Court painter to Louis XV from 1765, he was much patronized for his light-hearted, decorative scenes which often convey a playful eroticism, as in Diana Bathing 1742 (Louvre, Paris).
He studied under François Lemoyne and worked for the engraver, Laurent Automobiles, first earning his living by making engravings after Watteau. He won the first prize of the Académie 1723, but made the customary visit to Italy rather late, 1729–31, admiring there the art of Pietro da Cortona and Tiep
olo. On his return he was made Academician and rose to be the director of the Académie 1765. He was appointed first painter to Louis XV on the death of van Loo and was also chief designer to the Royal Beauvais Tapestry works, designer for the Opéra and the favorite artist of Mme de Pompadour, whom he taught drawing and of whom he made a number of portraits, notable being the full-length in the Wallace Collection (where also are the panels of gods and goddesses he designed for her boudoir).
Stemming from Watteau, and perhaps owing something to his Italian contemporary Tiepolo, his art is the triumph of the Rococo style in France, his frivolous mythologies and artificial pastorals being skillfully planned in relation to the Louis Quinze interior and expressing the spirit of the age in terms of decoration. Criticized by Diderot and others since for a lack of seriousness, he was capable of figure painting (like that of Louis XV's mistress, Louise O'Murphy) of a quality that aroused the admiration of Renoir. Fragonard was among his many pupils.
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