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muški rodgramatika

Tatsächl. Herrschaft einer Person über eine Sache; zu unterscheiden vom Eigentum.

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ETYM French domaine, Old Fren. demaine, Latin dominium, property, right of ownership, from dominus master, owner. Related to Dame, and cf Demesne, Dungeon.
1. A knowledge domain that one is interested in or is communicating about; SYN. region, realm.
2. Territory over which rule or control is exercised; SYN. demesne, land.
3. The set of values of the independent variable for which a function is defined.
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Entire stock of books and all print and nonprint reading materials at a library, library collection



ETYM French possession, Latin possessio.
1. Anything owned or possessed.
2. Being controlled by passion or the supernatural.
3. The act of possessing; SYN. ownership.

monomania · ownership · self-command · self-control · self-possession · self-will · willpower + prikaži više



ETYM Old Eng. proprete, Old Fren. propreté property, French propreté neatness, cleanliness, propriété property, from Latin proprietas. Related to Proper, Propriety.
1. A basic or essential attribute shared by all members of a class.
2. A construct whereby objects or individuals can be distinguished; SYN. attribute, dimension.
3. Any movable ar
ticles or objects used on the set of a play or movie; SYN. prop.
4. Any tangible possession that is owned by someone; SYN. belongings, holding, material possession.
The right to title and to control the use of a thing (such as land, a building, a work of art, or a computer program). In US law, a distinction is made between real property, which involves a degree of geographical fixity, and personal property, which does not.
Property is never absolute, since any society places limits on an individual's property (such as the right to transfer that property to another). Different societies have held widely varying interpretations of the nature of property and the extent of the rights of the owner to that property.
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attribute · belongings · dimension · holding · material possession · place · prop + prikaži više



ETYM French tenure, Old Fren. teneure, from French tenir to hold. Related to Tenable.
1. The right to hold property; part of an ancient hierarchical system of holding lands; SYN. land tenure.
2. The term duri
ng which some position is held; SYN. term of office, incumbency.
Employment terms and conditions. Security of tenure is often granted to the judiciary, civil servants, educators, and others in public office, where impartiality and freedom from political control are considered necessary.
The length of tenure depends on the service involved, and termination of it would only occur in exceptional cases, such as serious misconduct.
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incumbency · land tenure · term of office

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