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muški rodgramatikabotanika

Holzgewächs mit mehr oder weniger hohem Stamm u. einer Krone, die entweder aus beblätterten Zweigen (Wipfel-B.) oder aus großen Blättern, sog. Wedeln (Schopf-B.; z.B. B.farne, Palmen, Gras-B.), besteht.

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ETYM Dutch boom tree, pole, beam, bar. Related to Beam.
1. A deep prolonged loud noise; SYN. roar, roaring, thunder.
2. A pole carrying an overhead microphone projected over a film or tv set; SYN. microphone boom.
3. A state
of economic prosperity.
4. A sudden happening that brings very good fortune; SYN. bonanza, goldmine, manna from heaven.
5. Any of various more-or-less horizontal spars or poles used to extend the foot of a sail or for handling cargo or in mooring.
In economics, a period in the trade cycle when the economy is expanding and aggregate demand (total demand for goods and services) is rising quickly. It is characterized by falling or low unemployment but rising inflation.
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ETYM Old Eng. tree, tre, treo, AS. treó, treów, tree, wood.
1. A figure that branches from a single root; SYN. tree diagram.
2. A tall perennial woody plant having a main trunk and branches forming a distinct elevated crown; includes both gymnosperms and angiosperms.
Perennial plant with a woody stem, usually a single stem or “trunk”, made up of wood and protected by an outer layer of bark. It absorbs water through a root system. There is no clear dividing line between shrubs and trees, but sometimes a minimum achievable height of 6 m/20 ft is used to define a tree.
A treelike form has evolved independently many
times in different groups of plants. Among the angiosperms, or flowering plants, most trees are dicotyledons. This group includes trees such as oak, beech, ash, chestnut, lime, and maple, and they are often referred to as broad-leaved trees because their leaves are broader than those of conifers, such as pine and spruce. In temperate regions angiosperm trees are mostly deciduous (that is, they lose their leaves in winter), but in the tropics most angiosperm trees are evergreen. There are fewer trees among the monocotyledons, but the palms and bamboos (some of which are treelike) belong to this group. The gymnosperms include many trees and they are classified into four orders: Cycadales (including cycads and sago palms), Coniferales (the conifers), Ginkgoales (including only one living species, the ginkgo, or maidenhair tree), and Taxales (including yews). Apart from the ginkgo and the larches (conifers), most gymnosperm trees are evergreen. There are also a few l.
Iving trees in the pteridophyte group, known as tree ferns. In the swamp forests of the Carboniferous era, 300 million years ago, there were giant treelike horsetails and club mosses in addition to the tree ferns. The world's oldest trees are found in the Pacific forest of North America, some more than 2,000 years old.
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Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree · Tree · tree diagram
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ženski rodlično ime

Vicki, 1888, 1960, östr. Schriftstellerin (Gesellschaftsromane). Wien 24.1.1888, +Los Angeles 29.8.1960, österreich. Schriftstellerin. B. schrieb erfolgreiche Unterhaltungsromane, darunter 'Menschen im Hotel' (1929), zu dessen Verfilmung (mit G. Garbo) sie 1931 nach Hollywood reiste. B. kehrte aufgrund ihrer jüd. Herkunft nicht nach Deutschland zurück und nahm 1938 die US-Staatsbürgerschaft an.

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ženski rodlično ime

Vicki 1888-1960 originally Hedwig Baum American (Austrian-born) novelist

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muški rodnautika

(Seefahrt) Rundholz, Spiere, meist waagerecht schwingende Stange, die der Unterkante eines Schratsegels Halt gibt.

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muški rodlično ime

Gerhart Rudolf, 28.10.1932, dt. Politiker (FDP); 1978–82 Bundes-Min. des Innern.

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Reč dana 21.09.2024.

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