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Baudelaire | nemačko - engleski rečnik


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Charles , Paris 9.4.1821, +ebd. 31.8.1867, frz. Dichter. B. begründete mit seiner Gedichtsammlung 'Les Fleurs du mal' (1857, dt. Übersetzung von St. George 1901 'Die Blumen des Bösen') den Symbolismus. Der sprachl. Schönheit seiner Gedichte kontrastieren die Inhalte: Faszination durch Tod und Vergänglichkeit, Dekadenz, morbides Großstadtleben. Bedeutend auch als Theoretiker; prägte den Begriff der 'imagination', die die geheimen Beziehungen der Dinge erfaßt.

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(1821-1867) French poet, author of The Flowers of Evil, noted for macabre imagery and evocative language. Regarded as proto-symbolist; developed prose poetry into a major genre.
(1821-1867) French poet. His immensely influential work combined rhythmical and musical perfection with a morbid romanticism and eroticism, finding beauty
in decadence and evil. His first and best-known book of verse was Les Fleurs du mal/Flowers of Evil 1857. He was one of the main figures in the development of Symbolism.
The refinement and subtlety of feeling in Les Fleurs du mal made it an important influence on Modernist literature. Later volumes include Les Paradis artificiels 1860. He also published studies of novelists Honoré de Balzac and Gustave Flaubert, and an autobiographical novel, La Fanfarlo 1847. He wrote regularly as an art critic and his essay The Painter of Modern Life, which advocated the use of contemporary subject matter for painters, was an influence on Edouard Manet and the Impressionists.
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