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1. A building in which commercial banking is transacted; SYN. bank building.
2. A small, hollow object in which one keeps one's money SYN. piggybank.
3. The funds held by a gambling house or the dealer in some gambling games
4. A fligh
t maneuver; aircraft tips laterally about its longitudinal axis (especially in turning).
5. A long ridge or pile
6. A slope in the turn of a road or track; the outside is higher than the inside in order to reduce the effects of centrifugal force; SYN. cant, camber.
7. A supply or stock held in reserve especially for future use (especially in emergencies).
8. An arrangement of similar objects in a row or in tiers
9. Sloping land (especially the slope beside a body of water)
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Financial institution that uses funds deposited with it to lend money to companies or individuals, and also provides financial services to its customers. The first banks opened in Italy and Catalonia around 1400.
In 1900 half the world's top ten banks were British; by 1950, the dominant banking nation had become th
e us, with half of the world's top ten banks based there. In terms of assets, seven of the world's top ten banks were Japanese in 1988.
A central bank (in the us, the Federal Reserve System) issues currency for the government, in order to provide cash for circulation and exchange. A savings bank serves personal accounts and is licensed by the state in which it and its branches may operate. A commercial bank may have branches throughout the nation, since it services businesses, and sometimes becomes an international institution. There are also various forms of both public and private savings and loan companies that are called banks.
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ETYM Old Eng. bench, benk, AS. benc; akin to Swed. bänk, Dan baenk, Icel. bekkr, OS., Dutch, and German bank. Related to Bank, Beach.
(Irregular plural: benches).
1. A long seat for more than one person.
2. The seat on which reserve players sit during a game.



ETYM Old Eng. pewe, Old Fren. puie parapet, balustrade, balcony, from Latin podium an elevated place, a jutty, balcony, a parapet or balcony in the circus; Greek pod foot. Related to Foot, Podium, Poy.
Long bench with backs; used in church by the congregation; SYN. church bench.

church bench



ETYM Old Eng. setel, setil, a seat, AS. setl: akin to Old High Germ. sezzal, German sessel, Goth. sitls, and Eng. sit. Related to Sit.
A long wooden bench with a back; SYN. settee.

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muški rodlično ime

(tätig um 1890/1900). Emailmaler in Wien. Schuf minuziös gemalte figürliche Bildszenen im Stil des 18. Jahrhunderts. Häufig auf skurrilen, meist silbernen Luxusartikeln wie Miniaturkannen, Kutschen- und Füllhörnern in der Art von Kunstkammerstücken.

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