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ETYM Old Eng. balaunce, French balance, from Latin bilanx, bilancis, having two scales; bis twice (akin to Eng. two) + lanx plate, scale.
1. A scale for weighing; depends on pull of gravity.
2. A state of equilibri
3. Equality of distribution; SYN. equilibrium, equipoise, counterbalance.
Apparatus for weighing or measuring mass. The various types include the beam balance consisting of a centrally pivoted lever with pans hanging from each end, and the spring balance, in which the object to be weighed stretches (or compresses) a vertical coil spring fitted with a pointer that indicates the weight on a scale. Kitchen and bathroom scales are balances.
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Balance · Libra · Libra the Balance · Libra the Scales · balance wheel · correspondence · counterbalance · counterpoise · counterweight · equalise · equalizer · equilibrium · equipoise · proportion · proportionality · remainder · res · residual · residue · residuum · symmetricalness · symmetry + prikaži više



ETYM Latin aequilibrium, from aequilibris in equilibrium, level; aequus equal + libra balance. Related to Equal, and Librate.
Translational) Condition in which the net force on an object is zero. (Rotational) Condition in which the net torque on an object is zero.1. A sensory system located in structures of the inner ear that registers the o
rientation of the head; SYN. labyrinthine sense, vestibular sense, sense of balance, sense of equilibrium.
2. A stable situation in which forces cancel one another.
In physics, an unchanging condition in which the forces acting on a particle or system of particles (a body) cancel out, or in which energy is distributed among the particles of a system in the most probable way. In accordance with Newton's first law of motion, a body in equilibrium remains at rest or moves with constant velocity; it does not accelerate.
A body is in thermal equilibrium with its surroundings if no heat enters or leaves it, so that all its parts are at the same temperature as the surroundings.
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balance · chemical equilibrium · counterbalance · equipoise · labyrinthine sense · sense of balance · sense of equilibrium · vestibular sense + prikaži više



ETYM Latin stabilitas; cf. French stabilité. Related to Stable.
1. A stable order.
2. The quality or attribute of being stable; SYN. stableness.
The quality of an instrument or sensor to maintain a consistent output when a constant input is applied.
Measure of how difficult it is to move an object from a position of balance or equilibrium with respect to gravity.
An object displaced from equilibrium does not remain in its new position if its weight, acting vertically downward through its center of mass, no longer passes through the line of action of the contact force (the force exerted by the surface on which the object is resting), acting vertically upward through the object's new base. If the lines of action of these two opposite but equal forces do not coincide they will form a couple and create a moment (see moment of a force) that will cause the object either to return to its original
rest position or to topple over into another position.
An object in stable equilibrium returns to its rest position after being displaced slightly. This form of equilibrium is found in objects that are difficult to topple over; these usually possess a relatively wide base and a low center of mass—for example, a cone resting on its flat base on a horizontal surface. When such an object is tilted slightly its center of mass is raised and the line of action of its weight no longer coincides with that of the contact force exerted by its new, smaller base area. The moment created will tend to lower the center of mass and so the cone will fall back to its original position.
An object in unstable equilibrium does not remain at rest if displaced, but falls into a new position; it does not return to its original rest position. Objects possessing this form of equilibrium are easily toppled and usually have a relatively small base and a high center of mass—for example, a cone balancing on its point, or apex, on a horizontal surface. When an object such as this is given the slightest push its center of mass is lowered and the displacement of the line of action of its weight creates a moment. The moment will tend to lower the center of mass still further and so the object will fall on to another position.
An object in neutral equilibrium stays at rest if it is moved into a new position—neither moving back to its original position nor on any further. This form of equilibrium is found in objects that are able to roll, such as a cone resting on its curved side placed on a horizontal surface. When such an object is rolled its center of mass remains in the same position, neither rising nor falling, and the line of action of its weight continues to coincide with the contact force; no moment is created and so its equilibrium is maintained.
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constancy · stableness

Reč dana 19.09.2024.

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