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ženski rod

der Massenverlust des festen Landes durch Erosion (insbes. Wasser, Wind); Ergebnis ist die Einebnung der Oberfläche.
siehe Erosion.

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ETYM Latin ablatio, from ablatus p. p. of auferre to carry away; ab + latus, p. p. of ferre carry: cf. French ablation. Related to Tolerate.
Surgical removal of a body part or tissue; SYN. extirpation, cutting out, excision.
Surgical removal; surgical instrument for removing tissue.
erosive process that reduces the size of glaciers.
In earth science, the loss of snow and ice from a glacier by melting and evaporation. It is the opposite of accumulation. Ablation is most significant near the snout, or foot, of a glacier, since temperatures tend to be higher at lower altitudes. The rate of ablation also varies according to the time of year, being greatest during the summer. If total ablation exceeds total accumulation for a particular glacier, then the glacier will retreat, and vice versa.
Wearing away of rock or glacier; melting away of expendable part of spaceship or rocket.
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ETYM Latin erosio. Related to Erode.
Wearing away of the Earth's surface, caused by the breakdown and transportation of particles of rock or soil (by contrast, weathering does not involve transportation). Agents of erosion include the sea, rivers, glaciers, and wind.
Water, consisting of sea waves and currents, rivers, and rain; ice, in t
he form of glaciers; and wind, hurling sand fragments against exposed rocks and moving dunes along, are the most potent forces of erosion. People also contribute to erosion by bad farming practices and the cutting down of forests, which can lead to the formation of dust bowls.
Agents of erosion include the sea, rivers, glaciers, and wind.
There are several processes of erosion including hydraulic action, corrasion, attrition, and solution.
1. Condition in which the earth's surface is worn away by the action of water and wind.
2. The mechanical process of wearing or grinding something down (as by particles washing over it); SYN. eroding, eating away, wearing, wearing away.
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ground levelling


removal of debris


wear and tear


The loss, injury, or stress to which something is subjected by or in the course of use; especially; normal depreciation.


Reč dana 20.09.2024.

pridev, medicina
muški rod, sport
imenica, geografija
muški rod, mehanika