Absolutwert prevod sa nemačkog na engleski online

Absolutwert | nemačko - engleski rečnik


muški rod

Der Wert einer Zahl, unabhängig von ihrem Vorzeichen.

Prevedi Absolutwert na:


absolute value


Or modulus; In mathematics, the value, or magnitude, of a number irrespective of its sign. The absolute value of a number n is written |n| (or sometimes as mod n), and is defined as the positive square root of n2. For example, the numbers -5 and 5 have the same absolute value:
|5| = |-5| = 5
For a complex number, the absolute value is its distance to the origin when it is plotted on an Argand diagram, and can be calculated (without plotting) by applying the the Pythagorean theorem. By definition, the absolute value of any complex number a + bi is given by the expression:
|a + bi| = Ö(a2 + b2)
A numerical value regardless of its sign.
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Reč dana 20.09.2024.

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