Ableitung prevod sa nemačkog na engleski online

Ableitung | nemačko - engleski rečnik


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1. In der Mathematik der Differentialquotient (Differentialrechnung).
2. In der Elektrotechnik der reziproke Widerstan
d eines Isolator| (Wirkleitwert|.
3. Im Sprachgebrauch bzw. der Grammatik die Bildung eines Wortstamm|s oder Wortes durch den Ablaut (Derivation) oder das Hinzufügen von Affix|n.Als 'sekundäre Ableitung' wird die Bildung neuer Worte bezeichnet.

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Dissipation · Herleitung · Derivation · Deduktion · deduktive Methode · deduktiver Schluss · Suffigierung + prikaži više
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srpski · francuski



ETYM Latin deductio: cf. French déduction.
In philosophy, a form of argument in which the conclusion necessarily follows from the premises. It would be inconsis
tent logic to accept the premises but deny the conclusion.
1. An amount or percentage deducted; SYN. discount.
2. Reasoning from the general to the particular (or from cause to effect); SYN. deductive reasoning, synthesis.
3. Something that is inferred (deduced or entailed or implied); SYN. entailment, implication.
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deductive reasoning · discount · entailment · implication · price reduction · subtraction · synthesis · tax deduction · tax write-off + prikaži više



ETYM Latin derivatio: cf. French dérivation. Related to Derive.
The source of a word or expression. English words are derived from a variety of other languages (see borrowing), especially Greek, Latin, Anglo-Saxon, and, after the Norman Conquest, French.
Many current expressions have survived the practices that gave rise to
them; they are dead metaphors. “Getting the sack”, for instance, is derived from the time when workers brought their own tools in a sack. “Get your sack” meant you had lost your job.
1. (Descriptive linguistics) The process whereby new words are formed from existing words or bases by affixation: 'singer' from 'sing'; 'undo' from 'do'.
2. A line of reasoning that shows how a conclusion follows logically from accepted propositions.
3. Drawing of fluid or inflammation away from a diseased part of the body.
4. Drawing off water from its main channel as for irrigation.
5. The source from which something derives (i.e. comes or issues).
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ancestry · deriving · etymologizing · filiation · lineage



ETYM Latin dissipatio: cf. French dissipation.
Breaking up and scattering by dispersion.

dissolution · licentiousness · looseness · profligacy · waste · wastefulness + prikaži više



ETYM French révulsion, Latin revulsio, from revellere, revulsum, to pluck or pull away; pref. re- re- + vellere to pull. Related to Convulse.
1. A strong pulling or drawing back; withdrawal.
2. A sudden reaction; a sudden and complete change (applied to the feelings).
3. A sense of utter disgust.

horror · repugnance · repulsion
Ableitung | nemačko - engleski rečnik


ženski rodmatematika
Dissipation · Herleitung · Derivation · Deduktion · deduktive Methode · deduktiver Schluss · Suffigierung + prikaži više
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srpski · francuski



Differential coefficient; In mathematics, the limit of the gradient of a chord linking two points on a curve as the distance between the points tends to zero; for a function with a single variable, y = f’(x), it is denoted by f’(x), Df(x), or dy/dx, and is equal to the gradient of the curve.
A word that is derived from another word.
The derivative function senses the rate of rise or fall of the system temperature and automatically adjusts the cycle time of the controller to minimize overshoot or undershoot.
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derivative instrument · derived function · differential · differential coefficient · first derivative

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