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ETYM Icel. grôthr, grôthi. Related to Grow.
In biology, the increase in size and weight during the development of an organism. Growth is an increase in biomass (mass of organic material, excluding water) and is associated with cell division.
All organisms grow, altho
ugh the rate of growth varies over a lifetime. Typically, an organism shows an S-shaped curve, in which growth is at first slow, then fast, then, toward the end of life, nonexistent. Growth may even be negative during the period before death, with decay occurring faster than cellular replacement.1. The process of an individual organism growing organically; a purely biological unfolding of events involved in an organism changing gradually from a simple to a more complex levela growth of hair.
(Pathology) An abnormal proliferation of tissue (as in a tumor).
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development · emergence · growing · increase · increment · maturation · ontogenesis · ontogeny · outgrowth + prikaži više

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