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srpski · francuski



ETYM French, from franc, fem. franche, free. Related to Frank.
In politics, the eligibility, right, or privilege to vote at public elections, especially for the members of a legislative body, or parliament. In the UK adult citizens are eligible to vote from the age of 18, with th
e exclusion of peers, the insane, and criminals.
In the UK it was 1918 before all men had the right to vote, and 1928 before women were enfranchised; in New Zealand women were granted the right as early as 1893.1. A business established or operated under an authorization to sell or distribute a company's goods or services in a particular area; SYN. dealership.
2. A statutory right or privilege granted to a person or group by a government (especially the right to vote).
3. An authorization to sell a company's goods or services in a particular place.
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ETYM French prérogative, from Latin praerogativa precedence in voting, preference, privilege, from praerogativus that is asked before others for his opinion, that votes before or first, from praerogare to ask before another; prae before + rogare to ask. Related to Rogation.
A right reserved exclusively by a particular person or group (especially a hereditary or official right); SYN. privilege, perquisite, exclusive right.
Right or power peculiar to a person or office.
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exclusive right · perquisite · privilege



ETYM French privilčge, Latin privilegium an ordinance or law against or in favor of an individual; privus private + lex, legis, law. Related to Private, and Legal.
1. A special advantage or immunity or benefit not enjoyed by all.
2. (Law) The right to refuse to divulge information obtained in a confidential relationship.

exclusive right · perquisite · prerogative

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