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Lana, 8.2.1920, US-amerik. Filmschauspielerin, u. a. in »Verraten«.

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(Julia Jean Mildred Frances) (1920-1995) US actress. She was known as the “Sweater Girl” during World War II and appeared in melodramatic films of the 1940s and 1950s such as Peyton Place 1957. Her other films include The Postman Always Rings Twice 1946, The Three Musketeers 1948, and Imitation of Life 1959.
Her debut was in They Won’t Forget 1937, after her legendary “discovery” at a Hollywood soda fountain at the age of 16. By the mid-1940s she was a star, and she proved her acting ability in The Bad and the Beautiful 1952.
In the 1960s, she starred in glossy Douglas Sirk and Ross Hunter productions.
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Turner | nemačko - engleski rečnik


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Tina, eigtl. Annie Mae Bullock, 26.11.1939, US-amerik. Soul-Sängerin.

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Adopted name of Annie Mae Bullock (1938-)
US rhythm-and-blues singer. She recorded 1960–76 with her husband Ike Turner (1931– ), including River Deep, Mountain High 1966, produced by Phil Spector. In the 1980s she achieved success as a solo artist, recording such albums as Private Dancer 1984, and as a live performer.

Turner | nemačko - engleski rečnik


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William, engl. Maler, London 23.4.1775, +ebd. 19.12.1851, Hauptmeister der engl. Landschaftsmalerei, begann mit Architektur- und Landschaftszeichnungen, wandte sich um 1800 der Ölmalerei zu und schuf Landschafts- und Meerbilder, die oft durch mytholog. oder bibl. Figuren belebt sind; es sind pathet. Bilder, beeinflußt von Poussin und Claude Lorrain, den Niederländern und Richard Wilson; er wurde ein Hauptmeister der engl. Romantik. Es folgten Reisen in die Schweiz, nach Frankreich, Belgien, Holland und Deutschland. 1819 kam er zum erstenmal nach Italien; die atmosphär. Erscheinungen der Lagunenstadt Venedig und die venezian. Kunst beeindruckten ihn in der Folge am stärksten. Er wurde zum Maler der in der wechselnden Wirkung von Licht, Luft und Weite erscheinenden Welt, studierte die Farbwirkungen und begann Komplementärfarben nebeneinanderzusetzen, nahm auf diese Weise das Verfahren der Impressionisten vorweg. In seiner Spätzeit lösten sich die festen Umrisse der Gegenstände immer mehr auf. Die Licht

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ETYM Greek gymnasths a trainer of athletes: cf. French gymnaste. Related to Gymnasium.
An athlete who is skilled in gymnastics.

Turner | nemačko - engleski rečnik


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Joseph Mallord William, 1775, 1851, engl. Maler; atmosphär. aufgelöste Landschaften mit betonter Farbgebung.

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(1775-1851) English landscape painter. He was one of the most original artists of his day. He traveled widely in Europe, and his landscapes became increasingly Romantic, with the subject often transformed in scale and flooded with brilliant, hazy light. Many later works anticipate Impressionism; for example, Rain, Steam and Speed 1844 (National Gallery, London).
A precocious talent, Turner went to the Royal Academy schools 1789. In 1792 he made the first of several European tours, from which numerous watercolor sketches survive. His early oil paintings show Dutch influence, but by the 1800s he had begun to paint landscapes in the “Grand Manner”, reflecting the styles of Claude Lorrain and Richard Wilson.
Many of his most dramatic works are set in Europe or at sea; for example, Shipwreck 1805, Snowstorm: Hannibal Crossing the Alps 1812 (both Tate Gallery, London), and The Slave Ship 1839 (Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Massachusetts).
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