Timor prevod sa nemačkog na engleski online

Timor | nemačko - engleski rečnik



Größte der Kleinen Sundainseln, westl. von Neuguinea, 33 850 km², 1,5 Mio. Ew. (meist Papuas u. Malaien), Hauptort Kupang; größtenteils Savanne; Kaffee-, Tee-, Tabakanbau. Teilgebiete der Insel waren früher port. Kolonie (Osttimor); seit 1976 indones. Prov.



Largest and most easterly of the Lesser Sunda Islands, part of Indonesia; area 33,610 sq km/12,973 sq mi. Its indigenous people were the Atoni; successive migrants have included the Malay, Melanesian, Chinese, Arab, and Gujerati. Portugal established a colonial administration in Timor 1702, but the claim was disputed by the Dutch as well as by the Timorese, who frequently rebelled. In 1913, Timor was divided into West Timor and East Timor and subjected to Dutch and Portuguese control respectively; during the Second World War both parts were occupied by Japan. West Timor (capital Kupang) became part of Indonesia on independence. East Timor (capital Dili), comprising the enclave on the NW coast, and the islands of Atauro and Jaco, was seized by Indonesia 1975 (it became an Indonesian province 1976). The annexation is not recognized by the United Nations, and guerrilla warfare by local people seeking independence continues. Since 1975 over 500,000 Timorese have been killed by Indonesian troops or have resettled in West Timor. Products include coffee, corn, rice, and coconuts. + prikaži više


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