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ETYM Old Eng. dove, duve, douve, AS. dűfe; akin to OS. duba, Dutch duif, Old High Germ. tuba, German taube, Icel. düfa, Swed. dufva, Dan. due, Goth. düba; perh. from the root of Eng. dive.
Another name for pigeon, any of numerous small pigeons.



ETYM French, from Latin pipio a young pipping or chirping bird, from pipire to peep, chirp. Related to Peep to chirp.
Any bird of the family Columbidae, sometimes also called doves, distinguished by their large crops, which, becoming glandular in the breeding season, secrete a milky fluid
(“pigeon’s milk”) that aids digestion of food for the young. They are found worldwide.
There are many species: domesticated varieties (including the city pigeon) derive from the Eurasian rock dove Columba livia. New World species include the mourning-doves, which live much of the time on the ground. The fruit pigeons of Australasia and the Malay regions are beautifully colored.
In the us, there were once millions of passenger pigeons Ectopistes migratorius, but they have been extinct since 1914.
Wild and domesticated birds having a heavy body and short legs.
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Taube | nemačko - engleski rečnik


muški rodlično ime

Henry, 30.11.1915, US-amerik. Chemiker; 1983 Nobelpreis für Arbeiten über Elektronenübertragungen in Metallen.

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(1915-) US chemist who established the basis of inorganic chemistry through his study of the loss or gain of electrons by atoms during chemical reactions. He was awarded a Nobel Prize 1983 for his work on electron transference between molecules in chemical reactions.

Taube | nemačko - engleski rečnik


muški rodlično ime

Otto Frhr. von, 1879, 1973, baltendt. Schriftst.

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Reč dana 21.09.2024.

imenica, geografija
muški rod, vojska
ženski rod, gramatika
muški rod, životinja