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ženski rodgramatika

(Meßtechnik, Stufenfolge) Stufenfolge, Gradeinteilung; mit Zeichen (z.B. Zahlen, Buchstaben) versehene Teilung an Meßgeräten zum Ablesen von Meßwerten.

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ETYM Late Lat. dialis daily, from Latin dies day. Related to Deity.
1. A disc on a telephone that is rotated a fixed distanc
e for each number called; SYN. telephone dial.
2. The circular graduated indicator on various measuring instruments.
3. The control on a radio or television set that is used for tuning.
4. The face of a timepiece; graduated to show the hours.
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ETYM French gamme + ut the name of a musical note. French gamme is from the name of the Greek letter gamma, which was used by Guido d'Arezzo to represent the first note of his model scale.
1. A complete extent or range.
2. The entire scale of musical notes.
Whole range of musical notes; whole scale from doh to doh; entire range or compass.
In medieval musical theory, the lowest note (G2); also a generic term for scale, or for the entire spectrum of pitches, from the lowest to the highest.
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1. A flattened rigid plate forming part of the body covering of many animals
2. A series of notes differing in pitch according to a specific scheme (usually within an octave); SYN. musical scale.
3. A specialized leaf or bract t
hat protects a bud or catkin; SYN. scale leaf.
4. The ratio between the size of something and a representation of it
5. An indicator having a graduated sequence of marks.
6. An instrument for weighing; shows amount of mass; SYN. weighing machine.
7. An ordered reference standard:; SYN. scale of measurement, graduated table, ordered series.
8. Relative magnitude
9. A thin flake of dead epidermis shed from the surface of the skin; SYN. scurf.
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exfoliation · graduated table · musical scale · ordered series · plate · scale leaf · scale of measurement · scurf · shell · weighing machine + prikaži više



ETYM Latin See Specter.
(Irregular plural: spectrums, or: spectra).
1. An ordered array of the components of an emission or wave.
2. Broad range of related values or qualities or ideas or activities.
In physics, an arrangement of frequencies or waveleng
ths when electromagnetic radiations are separated into their constituent parts. Visible light is part of the electromagnetic spectrum and most sources emit waves over a range of wavelengths that can be broken up or “dispersed”; white light can be separated into red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. The visible spectrum was first studied by Isaac Newton, who showed in 1672 how white light could be broken up into different colors.
Series of images, colors, etc., formed when ray of radiant energy is dispersed into its component parts.
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