Safran prevod sa nemačkog na engleski online

Safran | nemačko - engleski rečnik


muški rodbotanika

Gewürz u. gelber Pflanzenfarbstoff, hergestellt aus S.krokus.

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srpski · francuski



ETYM Old Eng. saffran, French safran; cf. Italian zafferano, Spanish azafran, Portu. açafrăo; all from Arabic and Per. za' farân.
1. Old World crocus having purple or white flowers wi
th aromatic pungent orange stigmas used in flavoring food; SYN. saffron crocus, Crocus sativus.
2. Dried pungent stigmas of the Old World saffron crocus.
Plant Crocus sativus of the iris family, probably native to SW Asia, and formerly widely cultivated in Europe; also the dried orange-yellow stigmas of its purple flowers, used for coloring and flavoring. orange-yellow.
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Crocus sativus · orange yellow · saffron crocus



ETYM French sassafras (cf. Italian sassafrasso, sassafras, Spanish sasafras, salsafras, salsifrax, salsifragia, saxifragia), from Latin saxifraga saxifrage. Related to Saxifrage.
Kind of laurel and its root-bark, used medicinally.
1. Dried root bark of the sassafras tree.
2. Yellowwood tree with brittle wood and aromatic leaves and bark; source of sassafras oil; widely distributed in eastern North America; SYN. sassafras tree, Sassafras albidum.
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Sassafras albidum · sassafras tree

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