(Tieranatomie) Der Schwanz des Hundes, des Raubwilds u. des Eichhörnchens.
1. In der Jägersprache Bez. für den glatten Schwanz von Hunden und Haarraubwild sowie Bez. für das männl. Geschlechtsteil von Schalen- und Raubwild.
2. Früheres dt. Längenmaß, regional verschieden dimensioniert, z.B. in Preußen 3,76 m, in Bayern 2,92 m, in der Schweiz 3 m.(Maßeinheit) Altes dt. Längenmaß, 35 m je nach Land.
1. The penis of an animal
2. Bull's penis used as instrument of punishment by flogging
ETYM The same word as rood. Related to Rood.
1. A long thin implement made of metal or wood.
2. Any rod-shaped bacterium.
3. Visual receptor cell sensitive to dim light; SYN. rod cell, retinal rod.
A type of light-sensitive cell in the retina of most vertebrates. Rods are highly sensitive and provide only black and white vision. They are used when lighting conditions are poor and are the only type of visual cell found in animals active at night.
ETYM Cf. od. swick a scourage, a whip. Related to Swink, Swing.
(Irregular plural: switches).
1. The act of changing one thing or position for another; SYN. switching, shift.
2. A tress of false hair used by women to give shape to a coiffure.
3. A flexible implement, usually a small stick, used for punishment.
(Sexualorgan) Penis, männl. Begattungsorgan der Tiere.