Rouen prevod sa nemačkog na engleski online

Rouen | nemačko - engleski rečnik



Hptst. des N-frz. Dép. Seine-Maritime, am Unterlauf der Seine, Zentrum der Normandie, 102 000 Ew.; got. Kathedrale Notre-Dame (12.–15. Jh.) u. viele andere histor. Bauten; Museen; kath. Erzbischofssitz; Univ.; bed. Flußhafen; Schiff-, Masch.-, Lokomotiv-, Waggon- u. Kfz-Bau, Erdölraffinerien. – In R. wurde 1431 Jeanne d'Arc verbrannt.



Industrial port (cotton textiles, electronics, distilling, oil refining) on the river Seine, in Seine-Maritime département, central N France;
> history
Rouen was the capital of Normandy from 912. Lost by King John 1204, it returned briefly to English possession 1419–49; Joan of Arc was burned in the square 1431. The novelist Flaubert was born here, and the hospital where his father was chief surgeon is now a Flaubert museum.
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