Reagan prevod sa nemačkog na engleski online

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Tampico (Ill.) 6.2.1911, amerikan. republikan. Politiker, 40. Präs. der USA 1981/1989. Ursprüngl. Schauspieler, war R. 1967/1975 Gouverneur von Kalifornien. Als Präs. verfolgte er einen scharf antikommunist. Kurs, kurbelte die Rüstung an (z.B. SDI), suchte aber die Verständigung mit Moskau nach der dortigen Machtübernahme durch Gorbatschow. Innenpolit. prägten Sozialabbau und drast. Wirtschaftsliberalismus ('Reagonomics') seine Regierungszeit.

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(Wilson) (1911-) 40th president of the US 1981–89, a Republican. He was governor of California 1966–74, and a former Hollywood actor. Reagan was a hawkish and popular president. He adopted an aggressive policy in Central America, attempting to overthrow the government of Nicaragua, and invading Grenada 1983. In 1987, Irangate was investigated by the Tower Commission; Reagan admitted that US–Iran negotiations had become an “arms for hostages deal”, but denied knowledge of resultant funds being illegally sent to the Contras in Nicaragua. He increased military spending (sending the national budget deficit to record levels), cut social programs, introduced deregulation of domestic markets, and cut taxes. His Strategic Defense Initiative, announced 1983, proved controversial owing to the cost and unfeasibility. He was succeeded by vice president George Bush.
Reagan was born in Tampico, Illinois, the son of a shoe salesman who was bankrupted during the Depression. He became a Hollywood actor 1937 and appeared in 50 films, including Bedtime for Bonzo 1951 and The Killers 1964.
As president of the Screen Actors' Guild 1947–52, he became a conservative, critical of the bureaucratic stifling of free enterprise, and named names before the House Un-American Activities Committee. He joined the Republican Party 1962, and his term as governor of California was marked by battles against students.
Having lost the Republican presidential nomination 1968 and 1976 to Nixon and Ford respectively, Reagan won it 1980 and defeated President Carter. He was wounded in an assassination attempt 1981. The invasion of Grenada, following a coup there, generated a revival of national patriotism, and Reagan was reelected by a landslide 1984. His insistence on militarizing space through the Strategic Defense Initiative, popularly called Star Wars, prevented a disarmament agreement when he met the Soviet leader Gorbachev 1985 and 1986, but a 4% reduction in nuclear weapons was agreed 1987. In 1986, he ordered the bombing of Tripoli, Libya, in alleged retaliation for the killing of a US soldier in Berlin by a guerrilla group.
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