Ramsay prevod sa nemačkog na engleski online

Ramsay | nemačko - engleski rečnik


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Bertram Home, Hampton Court (Middlesex) 20.1.1883, +Toussus-le-Noble bei Paris 2.1.1945, brit. Admiral (1944); 1898 zur Marine, im 1. Weltkrieg bei der Dover Patrol u.a. als Kommandant von Monitoren, 1927-29 Dozent am Naval War College, danach Stabsstellungen u.a in China, 1935 Konteradmiral, 1938 Vizeadmiral. Als Flaggoffizier Dover war R. verantwortl. für die geglückte Evakuierung des Kessels von Dünkirchen Ende Mai/Anfang Juni 1940, bei der Landung auf Sizilien ('Husky') im Juli 1943 führte er die Eastern Task Force, und während der Invasion ('Overlord') im Juni 1944 war er OB aller alliierten Seestreitkräfte. Er organisierte noch die brit. Landung auf der niederländ. Insel Walcheren im Nov. 1944, ehe er bei einem Flugzeugabsturz ums Leben kam.

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(1852-1916) Scottish chemist who, with Lord Rayleigh, discovered argon 1894. In 1895 Ramsay produced helium and in 1898, in cooperation with Morris Travers, identified neon, krypton, and xenon. In 1903, with Frederick Soddy, he noted the transmutation of radium into helium, which led to the discovery of the density and atomic weight of radium. Nobel Prize 1904.
In his book The Gases of the Atmosphere 1896, Ramsay repeated a suspi
cion he had stated 1892 that there was an eighth group of new elements at the end of the periodic table. During the next decade Ramsay and Travers sought the remaining rare gases by the fractional distillation of liquid air.
Ramsay was born in Glasgow and studied there and in Germany at Tübingen. In 1880 he was appointed professor at the newly created University College of Bristol (later Bristol University) and a year later became principal of the College. From 1887 he was professor at University College, London.
Helium was known from spectrographic evidence to be present on the Sun but yet to be found on Earth. Certain uranium minerals were known to produce an unidentified inert gas on heating, and Ramsay obtained sufficient of the gas to send a sample to English scientist William Crookes for spectrographic analysis. Crookes confirmed that it was helium.
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