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Racine | nemačko - engleski rečnik


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Jean , (getauft) La Ferté-Milon bei Soissons 22.12.1639, +Paris 21.4.1699, frz. Daramtiker. R. war neben Corneille der Schöpfer der klass. frz. Tragödie, die v.a. aus leidenschaftl. Liebe entstandene Konfliktsituationen thematisiert; u.a. 'Andromache' (1668), 'Iphigenie' 1675), 'Phädra' (1677), später bibl. Stoffe wie 'Esther' (1689).


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(1639-1699) French neo-classical playwright, author of Phčdre.
French dramatist. He was an exponent of the classical tragedy in French drama, taking his subjects from Greek mythology and observing the rules of classical Greek drama. Most of his tragedies have women in the title role, for example Andromaque 1667, Iphigénie 1674, and Phčdre 1677
An orphan, Racine was educated by Jansenists at Port Royal (see Jansenism), but later moved away from an ecclesiastical career to success and patronage at court. His ingratiating flattery won him the success he craved 1677 when he was appointed royal historiographer. After the failure of Phčdre in the theater he no longer wrote for the secular stage but, influenced by Madame de Maintenon, wrote two religious dramas, Esther 1689 and Athalie 1691, which achieved posthumous success. After the failure of Phčdre in the theater he no longer wrote for the secular stage but, influenced by Madame de Maintenon, wrote two religious dramas, Esther 1689 and Athalie 1691, which achieved posthumous success.
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