Produktion prevod sa nemačkog na engleski online

Produktion | nemačko - engleski rečnik


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die Erstellung von Gütern u. Dienstleistungen durch P.seinheiten des privaten u. öffentl. Bereichs. Man unterscheidet zw. der P. des primären Sektors (Produkte der Land- u. Forstwirtsch. sowie des Bergbaus), des sekundären Sektors (gewerbl. P., Stoffbe- u. Stoffverarbeitung) u. des tertiären Sektors (privat u. öffentl. dargebotene Dienstleistungen).

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ETYM Latin productio a lengthening, prolonging: cf. French production. Related to Produce.
1. The act or process of producing something.
2. (Economics) Manufacturing or mining or growing something (usually in large quantiti
es) for sale.
3. A presentation for the stage or screen or radio or television.
4. (Law) The act of exhibiting in a court of law.
The process of making a good or service. Job production, batch production, and flow production are three different ways in which production is organized. Production can be classified by industrial sector: primary production (mining and agriculture), secondary production (manufacturing), and tertiary production (services).
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