Polygon prevod sa nemačkog na engleski online

Polygon | nemačko - engleski rečnik



VRML-Welten setzen sich aus Polygonen zusammen, ebene Vielecke mit beliebig vielen Eckpunkten. Die Polygonflächen verleihen den geometrischen Objekten einen massiven Eindruck.
Jede geschlossene, geometrische Form, die aus drei oder mehr Liniensegmenten besteht. Regelmäßig Dreiecke, Fünfecke, Sechsecke oder Achtecke sind typische Polygone.

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ETYM Greek polygonos polygonal; polys many + gonia angle: cf. French polygone.
Any two-dimensional closed shape composed of three or more line segments, such as a hexagon, an octagon, or a triangle. Computer users encounter polygons in graphics programs.
A closed plane figure bounded by str
aight sides; SYN. polygonal shape. Many-sided plane figure.
In geometry, a plane (two-dimensional) figure with three or more straight-line sides. Common polygons have names which define the number of sides (for example, triangle, quadrilateral, pentagon).
These are all convex polygons, having no interior angle greater than 180ş. The sum of the internal angles of a polygon having n sides is given by the formula (2n - 4) x 90ş; therefore, the more sides a polygon has, the larger the sum of its internal angles and, in the case of a convex polygon, the more closely it approximates to a circle.
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polygonal shape

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