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ženski rodgramatika

(Musik) Einfaches Flöteninstrument; übl. als Triller-P.; Orgel-P. Orgel.

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ETYM as. pîpe, probably from Latin pipare, pipire, to chirp; of imitative origin. Related to Peep, Pibroch, Fife.
1. A hollow cylindrical shape; SYN. tub
2. A long tube made of metal or plastic that is used to carry water or oil or gas etc.; SYN. pipage, piping.
3. A tube with a small bowl at one end; used for smoking tobacco; SYN. tobacco pipe.
4. A tubular wind instrument; SYN. tabor pipe.
5. Unit of liquid capacity equal to two hogsheads.
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ETYM AS. hwistle a pipe, flute, whistle. Related to Whistle.
1. A device that forces air or steam against an edge or into a cavity and so produces a loud shrill sound.
2. The act of signalling (e.g., summoning) by whistling or blowing a whistle; SYN. whistling.
3. The sound made by something moving rapidly or by stea
m coming out of a small aperture; SYN. whistling.
Any of a class of wind instruments including recorders, flutes, organ pipes, and panpipes, that uses a rigid edge as an airfoil to split the air flow, giving a characteristic “chuff” onset to the tone. Among the most ancient and widespread of musical instruments, whistles produce a relatively pure tone and simple waveform.
Most whistles relying on human breath are soprano or higher in pitch range; those of lower pitch such as organ pipes are usually powered by bellows. Some whistles are of single pitch, others have finger holes to vary the pitch and may be overblown to sound an octave or twelfth higher.
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