Patriarch prevod sa nemačkog na engleski online

Patriarch | nemačko - engleski rečnik


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(Kirchenrecht) Titel leitender Bischöfe in Konstantinopel, Alexandria, Antiochia, Jerusalem.
(Judentum) Oberhaupt der Juden im röm. Reich (bes. in Palästina) zw. 2. u. 5. Jh., aus der Fam. Hillel.
(Religion) Bibl. Erzvater.

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ETYM French patriarche, Latin patriarcha, Greek, lineage, especially on the father's side, race; pater father + archos a leader, chief, from agein to lead, rule. Related to Father, Archaic.
1. A man who is older and higher in rank than oneself; SYN. graybeard.
2. Any of t
he early Biblical characters regarded as fathers of the human race.
3. The head of family or tribe; SYN. paterfamilias, head of household.
Tribal elder, ruler or father; any venerable ancient man; Roman Catholic, bishop; metropolitan; bishop next below pope in rank.
In the Old Testament, one of the ancestors of the human race, and especially those of the ancient Hebrews, from Adam to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and his sons (who became patriarchs of the Hebrew tribes). In the Eastern Orthodox Church, the term refers to the leader of a national church.
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