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ženski rodgramatika

(Kirche) Monialis, Klosterfrau, Angehörige eines weibl. kath. Ordens, in dem feierl. Gelübde abgelegt werden; im Unterschied dazu früher die Schwester mit einfachen Gelübden.

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ETYM Old Eng. nunne, AS. nunne, from Latin nonna nun, nonnus monk. Related to Nunnery.
(Homonym: none) A woman religious.
Woman belonging to a religious order under the vows of poverty, chast
ity, and obedience, and living under a particular rule. Christian convents are ruled by a superior (often elected), who is subject to the authority of the bishop of the diocese or sometimes directly to the pope. See monasticism.
It is possible that the institution of Christian communities for nuns preceded the establishment of monasteries. The majority of the male orders have their female counterparts.
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