Mangan prevod sa nemačkog na engleski online

Mangan | nemačko - engleski rečnik



(griech.) Chem. Element, Zeichen Mn, Ordnungszahl 25, Atommasse 54,938, Dichte 7,21; nach Eisen das zweithäufigste Schwermetall in der Erdrinde. M. erhöht als Legierungselement in Stählen deren Verformbarkeit. Alle Aluminium- und Magnesium-Verbindungen enthalten M. zur Verbesserung der Korrosionsfestigkeit; weitere Anwendungen u.a. als Zusatz zu Malerfarben, Dünge- und Desinfektionsmitteln.

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srpski · francuski

chemical element 025 Mn

imenica025 Mn



ETYM French mangančse, Italian manganese, sasso magnesio; prob. corrupted from Latin magnes, because of its resemblance to the magnet. Related to Magnet, Magnesia.
A hard brittle gray polyvalent metallic element that resembles iron but is not magnetic; used in making steel; occu
rs in many minerals; SYN. Mn, atomic number 25.
Hard, brittle, gray-white metallic element, symbol Mn, atomic number 25, atomic weight 54.9380. It resembles iron (and rusts), but it is not magnetic and is softer. It is used chiefly in making steel alloys, also alloys with aluminum and copper.
It is used in fertilizers, paints, and industrial chemicals. It is a necessary trace element in human nutrition. The name is old, deriving from the French and Italian forms of Latin for magnesia (MgO), the white tasteless powder used as an antacid from ancient times.
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Mn · atomic number 25

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