Lava prevod sa nemačkog na engleski online

Lava | nemačko - engleski rečnik


ženski rod

heiße Gesteinsschmelze, die bei Vulkanausbrüchen an die Erdoberfläche gelangt u. dort zu Ergußgestein erstarrt.
(italien.)glutflüssiges oder erstarrtes Ergußgestein, das bei Vulkanausbrüchen an die Erdoberfläche gelangt und sich je nach Konsistenz in unterschiedl. Formen verfestigt.

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ETYM Italian lava lava, orig. in Naples, a torrent of rain overflowing the streets, from Italian and Latin lavare to wash. Related to Lave.
Rock that in its molten form issues from volcanos.
Molten rock (usually 800–1100şC/1500–2000şF) that erupts from a volcano and cools to form extrusive igneous rock. It differs from magma in that it is molten rock on the surface; magma is molten rock below the surface. Lava that is high in silica is viscous and sticky and does not flow far; it forms a steep-sided conical volcano. Low-silica lava can flow for long distances and forms a broad flat volcano. + prikaži više

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muški rod, sport
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