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ženski rodgramatikaračunari

Bedienungselement eines Computers: Einheit aus Tastatur und Bildschirm.
Aus einer Wandfläche hervorspringender Stein oder Holz- oder Metallteil als Träger anderer Bauglieder (Balken, Balkone u. a.) u. freistehender Gegenstände (z.B. Skulpturen).
ETYM. frz.
1. Aus d
er Mauer herausragendes Element aus Holz oder Stein (Kragstein), der als Stützpunkt für Architekturteile (z.B. Bögen) dient.
2. Tischartiges Kleinmöbel, das an der Wand befestigt ist; davon abgeleitet K. als Bez. für eine Vorrichtung, auf der Bedienungselemente angeordnet sind, z.B. im Auto.
Aus der Mauer herausragendes Element aus Stein (Kragstein), Holz oder (selten) Metall, das als Stützpunkt für Blendbögen, Gesimse, Bögen, Dienste, Figuren, Erker, Balken oder Balkone dient; häufig dem Stil der jeweiligen Epoche entsprechend als Zierglied geformt.

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ETYM Cf.Old Fren. braguette codpiece, French brayette, Spanish bragueta, also a projecting mold in architecture; dim. fromL. bracae breeches; cf. also, Old Fren. bracon beam, prop, support; of unknown origin. Related to Breeches.
1. A category falling within certain defined limits.
2. An L-shaped support projecting from a wall (as to hold a shelf).
3. Either of two punctuation marks ([ or ]) used to enclose textual material; SYN. square bracket.
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Projecting horizontal beam fixed at one end only.
Beam or structure that is fixed at one end only, though it may be supported at some point along its length; for example, a diving board. The cantilever principle, widely used in construction engineering, el
iminates the need for a second main support at the free end of the beam, allowing for more elegant structures and reducing the amount of materials required. Many large-span bridges have been built on the cantilever principle.
A typical cantilever bridge consists of two beams cantilevered out from either bank, each supported part way along, with their free ends meeting in the middle. The multiple-cantilever Forth Rail Bridge (completed 1890) across the Firth of Forth in Scotland has twin main spans of 521 m/1,710 ft.
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In computing, a combination of keyboard and screen (also described as a terminal). For a multiuser system, such as Unix, there is only one system console from which the system can be administered, while there may be many user terminals. See also games console.
1. A control unit, such as a terminal, through which a user communicates with a computer. In microcomputers, the console is the cabinet that houses the main components and controls of the system, sometimes including the screen, the keyboard, or both. With the MS-DOS operating system, the console is the primary input (keyboard) and primary output device (screen), as evidenced by the device name CON. See also CON, system console.
2. See game console.
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