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(Befehlsgewalt) Militär. Befehlsgewalt.
(Einheit) Anzahl von Soldaten mit bes. Auftrag (K.unternehmen).
(Befehl) In der Form vorgeschriebener militär. Befehl.
Andere Bezeichnung für Befehl.

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1. A military unit or region under the control of a single officer.
2. A position of highest authority.
3. An aut
horitative direction or instruction to do something; SYN. bid, bidding, dictation.
4. Availability for use.
5. Great skillfulness and knowledge of some subject or activity; SYN. control, mastery.
6. The power or authority to command.
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ETYM The same word as draught. Old Eng. draught, draht, from AS. dragan to draw. Related to Draw, Draught.
(Homonym: draught).
1. A current of air (usually coming into a room or vehicle); SYN. draught, air current.
2. A device for regulating the f
low of air in a fireplace.
3. A dose of liquid medicine; SYN. draught.
4. A preliminary sketch of a design or picture; SYN. rough drawing.
5. A serving of drink (usually alcoholic); SYN. draught, potation, tipple.
6. Preliminary version of a written work; SYN. draft copy, version.
7. The act of moving a load by drawing or pulling; SYN. draught, drawing.
9. The depth of a vessel's keel below the surface (especially when loaded).
Compulsory military service; also known as conscription.
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bill of exchange · conscription · draft copy · draught · drawing · gulp · muster · order of payment · potation · rough drawing · selective service · swig · tipple + prikaži više



ETYM Old Eng. ordre, French ordre, from Latin ordo, ordinis. Related to Ordain, Ordinal.
In biological classification, a group of related families. For example, the horse, rhinoceros, and tapir families are grouped in the order Perissodactyla, the odd-toed ungulates, because they all have either one or three toes on each foot. The names of orders are not shown in italic (unlike genus and species names)
and by convention they have the ending “-formes” in birds and fish; “-a” in mammals, amphibians, reptiles, and other animals; and “-ales” in fungi and plants. Related orders are grouped together in a class.
1. Putting in order; SYN. ordering.
2. A degree in a continuum of size or quantity; SYN. order of magnitude.
3. Established customary state esp. of society.
4. A commercial document used to request someone to supply something in return for payment; SYN. purchase order.
5. A body of rules followed by an assembly; SYN. rules of order, parliamentary law, parliamentary procedure.
6. (Often plural) A command given by a superior (e.g., a military or law enforcement officer) that must be obeyed.
7. (Biology) Taxonomic group containing one or more families.
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