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An organization of Ku Kluxers; also; a subordinate unit of such an organization

KKK · Klan · Ku Klux Klan

Ku Klux Klan


A secret society of white Southerners to resist Black emancipation; Also called: Klan, KKK.
white supremacist secret society of S US.
US secret society dedicated to white supremacy, founded 1866 in the southern states of the US to oppose Reconstruction after the American Civil War and to deny political rights to the black population. Members wore hooded white robes to hide their identity, and burned crosses at their night-time meetings. Today the Klan has evolved into a
paramilitary extremist group and has forged loose ties with other white supremacist groups.
It was originally headed by former Confederate general Nathan Bedford Forrest and was disbanded in 1869 under pressure from members who opposed violence. Scattered groups continued a campaign of lynching and flogging, prompting anti-Klan laws in 1871. The group reemerged in 1915 as an antiblack, anti-Semitic, anti-Catholic, right-wing group that portrayed itself as fervently patriotic, with membership reaching more than 4 million in the 1920s. It was publicized in the 1960s for terrorizing civil-rights activists and organizing racist demonstrations.
It was originally headed by former Confederate general Nathan Bedford Forrest and was disbanded in 1869 under pressure from members who opposed violence. Scattered groups continued a campaign of lynching and flogging, prompting the anti-Klan laws of 1871. Re-emerging, the Klan portrayed itself as fervently patriotic.
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KKK · Klan · Ku Klux Klan

Reč dana 16.09.2024.

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