Kalium prevod sa nemačkog na engleski online

Kalium | nemačko - engleski rečnik



Mineralstoff, der notwendig ist für die Funktion der Nerven, alle Muskelbewegungen, die Aufrechterhaltung der Gewebsspannung und die Wirkung verschiedener Enzyme.
Ein Kaliummangel führt zu schwerwiegenden Störungen des Elektrolythaushalts. Muskelschwäche, Mu
skellähmungen und Störungen der Herztätigkeit sind die Folge.
Besonders gute Kaliumlieferanten sind vor allem pflanzliche Lebensmittel wie Gemüse, Hülsenfrüchte und Bananen.
Chem. Element (Symbol K), sehr weiches, silberweißes Alkalimetall. K. reagiert sehr heftig mit Wasser, wobei sich der freiwerdende Wasserstoff entzündet. In der Natur kommt es in gesteinsbildenden K.mineralien und als Kalisalz vor; industriell wird es durch Schmelzelektrolyse aus K.hydroxid hergestellt. Bes. Bedeutung hat K. in Düngemitteln.

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chemical element 019 K

imenica019 K






ETYM New Lat. Related to Potassa, Potash.
A light soft silver-white metallic element of the alkali metal group; oxidizes rapidly in air and reacts violently with water; is abundant in nature in combined forms occurring in sea water and in carnallite and kainite and sylvite.
Soft, waxlike, silver-white, metallic element, symbol K (Latin kalium), atomic number 19, atomic weight 39.0983. It is one of the alkali metals and has a very low density
it floats on water, and is the second lightest metal (after lithium). It oxidizes rapidly when exposed to air and reacts violently with water. Of great abundance in the Earth’s crust, it is widely distributed with other elements and found in salt and mineral deposits in the form of potassium aluminum silicates.
Potassium is the main base ion of the fluid in the body's cells. Along with sodium, it is important to the electrical potential of the nervous system and, therefore, for the efficient functioning of nerve and muscle. Shortage, which may occur with excessive fluid loss (prolonged diarrhea, vomiting), may lead to muscular paralysis; potassium overload may result in cardiac arrest. It is also required by plants for growth. The element was discovered and named in 1807 by English chemist Humphry Davy, who isolated it from potash in the first instance of a metal being isolated by electric current.
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K · atomic number 19

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